DYA's greeting

Kita hidup dalam ketegangan, dari waktu ke waktu, Serta dari hari ke hari, Dengan kata lain kita adalah Pahlawan dari cerita kita sendiri. Pengetahuan adalah warisan yang mulia, Budi pekerti ibarat pakaian yang baru dan pikiran ibarat cermin yang bening. Kita melihat kebahagiaan itu seperti pelangi, Tidak pernah berada diatas kepala sendiri, Tetapi selalu berada diatas kepala orang lain. Walaupun belum bisa hidup bahagia seutuhnya tapi akan lebih bahagia jika bisa mengindahkan hidup orang lain.

Welcome to my blog "My Spirit My Inspiration". Enjoy for read it..!!!

05 May 2012

The Happiness In My Mind

Think Called Happiness


   "HAPPINESS" in my mind....
I think, HAPPINESS are all about something likes :

- All momment with family is one of happiness that can't be defined with the beautiful words ;
- Always in the middle of beloved one is also a happiness ;
- The happiness isn't something to sought but it's something that must be achieved ;
- Wherever We can feel comfortable, that's where the happiness there ;
- It's okay to remember all of happiness momment in the past but surely if the happiness will come again in the future ;
- Behind the exam, It must be some happiness will happen ;
- Not all of the love between two people always bring the happiness ;
- The happiness is spiritual experience of living every minute with something liked ;
- And the happiness is basically a simple, happy to live not live to be happy.

 The true happiness is very simple :')

It's okay to remember all of  the happiness happened in the PAST, But We must believe if the happiness will happen in the FUTURE too.

 We're life for the FUTURE not for the PAST events !!
Today is today but all that happened today is ourselves who make it. Whether We feel happy or not,  the answer only in yourself, so today will be a part of the story for the future. So, tomorrow should be better and more able to understand about the true happiness ..
Live for a better future!!
 Don't always think of memories that make the happiness in the past. You must sure and believe that the happiness will always come up and only Yourself can create the happiness like You want...


Desty Anne